
load_image(Image, 'example.jpg')

Example 2: Blob Analysis

count_obj(SelectedRegions, NumObjects)

HALCON is a powerful machine vision software library used for developing applications in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and robotics. Its flexibility, robustness, and extensive set of tools make it a popular choice for image processing and analysis tasks. In this guide, we'll delve into HALCON programming with practical examples to demonstrate its capabilities.

This code snippet reads barcodes from an image using HALCON's builtin barcode reading capabilities. It can decode various barcode types, such as QR codes, UPC, and DataMatrix.


read_shape_model('model.shm', ModelID)

find_shape_model(Image, ModelID, AngleStart, AngleEnd, MinScore, 1, 0.5, 'least_squares', Row, Column, Angle, Scale, Score)




* Integration with TensorFlow or PyTorch for deep learningbased tasks *

Example 4: Shape Matching

threshold(Image, BinaryImage, 100, 200)



get_image_size(Image, Width, Height)


select_shape(ConnectedRegions, SelectedRegions, 'area', 'and', [500, 10000])

HALCON supports integration with popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. This enables developers to leverage the power of neural networks for tasks such as object detection and classification.

For those interested in mastering HALCON programming, it's essential to start with the basics of image processing and gradually explore advanced topics such as machine learning integration. Experimenting with realworld applications and datasets can further enhance proficiency in HALCON development. Additionally, referring to the official HALCON documentation and participating in online forums and communities can provide valuable support and insights.

Title: Exploring HALCON Programming with Examples

This code snippet loads an image, retrieves its dimensions, opens a window, and displays the image. It's a fundamental starting point for any HALCON application.


In this example, we utilize shape matching to locate instances of a predefined model within an image. It's useful for tasks like object recognition and localization.

connection(BinaryImage, ConnectedRegions)


Example 1: Basic Image Processing


Example 3: Barcode Reading

dev_open_window(0, 0, Width, Height, 'example')

Example 5: Deep Learning Integration


These examples provide a glimpse into the versatility of HALCON programming. From basic image processing to advanced tasks like deep learning integration, HALCON offers a comprehensive suite of tools for solving a wide range of computer vision challenges in various industries.

Here, we perform blob analysis on a binary image by thresholding and identifying connected regions. We then filter regions based on area to detect objects of interest.


read_bar_code(Image, BarcodeText, [], BarcodeType, [], [])

Introduction to HALCON:








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